The most effective inoculant developed
with university and corporate research.
Mixes Quickly into Solution with LESS Clogging and LESS DownTime
Features & Benefits
Easy to use, More palatable, and more nutritious than preservatives or acid.
SuperSile® is a blend of 4 probiotic bacteria.
Starts working from the moment it’s applied to:
• Eliminate Oxygen
• Prevent Molds & Yeast Growth
• Unlock More Energy
• 3:1 Return on Your Investment
• Improves Digestibility
• Improves Stability at Feed Out
• Highly Concentrated
No Aluminum
No Harmful Acid
Sweeter Taste
Suitable for Organic Use.
Quality Assurance
Tested & Quality Guaranteed
Excellent customer service by experienced field reps and seasoned scientists.
Every batch is tested for quality assurance.
SuperSile® is the most effective forage inoculant, with over 30 years of university and corporate research.
Stable for 3 years.
(Store in a cool, dry place.)
Manufactured in a Safe Food Safe Feed (SFSF) Certified Facility.
Made in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Only FDA GRAS ingredients (Generally Regarded As Safe)
Proud Members & Sponsors of
4 Strains of Bacteria for Perfect Fermentation
Guaranteed Analysis
• High Moisture Corn
Lactic Acid Bacteria 230 Billion CFU/g
Delivers a min. of 200,000 CFUs/g of crop
• Dry Hay
Lactic Acid Bacteria 200 Billion CFU/g
Delivers a min. of 170,000 CFUs/g of crop
• Silage
Lactic Acid Bacteria 230 Billion CFU/g
Delivers a min. of 100,000 CFUs/g of crop
• Forage
Lactic Acid Bacteria 230 Billion CFU/g
Delivers a min. of 150,000 CFUs/g of crop
Guaranteed Analysis
• High Moisture Corn, LB+
Lactic Acid Bacteria 230 Billion CFU/g
Delivers a min. of 200,000 CFUs/g of crop
• High Moisture Corn, SUPER LB+
Lactic Acid Bacteria 230 Billion CFU/g
Delivers a min. of 400,000 CFUs/g of crop
• Dry Hay, LB+
Lactic Acid Bacteria 230 Billion CFU/g
Delivers a min. of 170,000 CFUs/g of crop
• Silage LB +
Lactic Acid Bacteria 230 Billion CFU/g
Delivers a min. of 100,000 CFUs/g of crop
• Silage, SUPER LB +
Lactic Acid Bacteria 400 Billion CFU/g
Delivers a min. of 400,000 CFUs/g of crop
• Forage, LB +
Lactic Acid Bacteria 230 Billion CFU/g
Delivers a min. of 150,000 CFUs/g of crop
Homofermentative or Heterofermentative?
Homofermentative (one end product)
• Most Efficient
• Drops to Low pH Quickly
• 1 Glucose = 2 Lactic Acid
• Low Energy Loss
Heterofermentative (multiple end products)
• Better For Silages & Rough Crops
• Covers Entire Fermentation Cycle
• Helps Aerobic Stability
• Feed out Minimum 45 Days After Harvest
Our L. Buchneri (LB+) is both traditional Homo and Heterofermentative.
Which Kind Should You Use?
That Depends on Your Goal.
If you want to keep your crop’s quality as close to what it was at ensilaging, then your most likely looking for a homofermentative inoculant to maximize lactic acid production.
If your goal is to reduce heat in your silage, then you want a hetero fermenter that includes Lactobacillus buchneri. (LB+)
L. buchneri is beneficial when aerobic stability is a greater need, such as in high dry matter corn silages, bunk, pile, or pit silos.
- Research from the USDA Forage Research Center
- View our FAQ

Questions? Call Our Inoculant Specialist:
SuperSile LB+ gives you the Best of Both Worlds!