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How do I use SuperDFM-HoneyBee?Feed SuperDFM-HoneyBee dry every time you provide supplemental feeding for the bees. Alternatively, inoculate the hives using MicroCloud attachment without opening the hive.
How often should SuperDFM-HoneyBee be used?SuperDFM-HoneyBee is recommended monthly during the colonies' active time. At the least, administer SuperDFM every time supplemental feeding is needed.
How do I apply SuperDFM in a top bar hive?Dust the DFM on top of the bees near the brood. One tablespoon every 30 days will be a fine dose cadence. Just get it in the hive.
Can SuperDFM® be applied too frequently?SuperDFM®-HoneyBee™ is safe to use and there are no adverse effects if you use more than recommended application. SuperDFM® contains powdered sucrose or sugar, but it is not a substitute for bee feed.
Can I over apply SuperDFM-Honeybee?No, there is no such thing as too much probiotic and there are no reported adverse effects to the bees.
When is the best time to use SuperDFM-HoneyBee?The most important time is when the queen starts to lay winter bees and the second is first thing in the spring.
Can SuperDFM-HoneyBee be applied right on the top bars?SuperDFM-HoneyBee can be placed right on top bars or any dry surface inside the hive where the nurse bees can consume it easily and quickly.
Can I apply SuperDFM-HoneyBee onto the honey supers?Yes, SuperDFM-HoneyBee can be put at the top of the bars of honey supers, as long as bees have access to it.
Should a nucleus colony get less than the recommended application?No, SuperDFM® application size does not change whether the bee colony is small or large. If the colony is rapidly growing or you are splitting the colony, feed SuperDFM® more frequently (ex. 2-3 weeks apart).
How can I apply SuperDFM® to many hives quickly?Our compressed air MicroCloud™ Applicator allows for easy SuperDFM® injection without opening the hive! Simply add SuperDFM® to the MicroCould™ scoop and insert it into the hive entrance. Press the applicator firmly against the front boardand give the trigger a short squeeze. Then you're done! Your hive will be efficiently inoculated.
What pressure should the air compressor be set at for the MicroCloud™?Using a portable air-tank such as this one makes using the MicroCloud™ fast and easy! SuperDFM® can be distributed effectively with a one-second blast of air at 120-60 psi pressure. An 11-gallon tank provides hundreds of one-second air blasts.
Can I mix SuperDFM-HoneyBee in sugar syrup?No. Moisture activates DFMs. Once activated, they require an anaerobic environment (without oxygen) with the proper light, temperature, and food sources to prevent them from perishing.
Can I mix SuperDFM-HoneyBee in a pollen patty?No, we do not recommend mixing SuperDFM® in any prepared food for honey bees, as moisture will lower the efficacy of lactic acid bacteria in the product.
Can I use the Formic Acid and SuperDFM-HoneyBee at the same time?Yes, you can use formic acid and microbials at the same time, as long as the two treatments are not touching each other.
Can I use ApiVar and SuperDFM-HoneyBee at the same time?Yes, you can use ApiVar and microbials at the same time, as long as the two treatments are not touching each other.
Can I use Honeybee Healthy and SuperDFM-HoneyBee at the same time?Yes, you can use Honey Bee Healthy and SuperDFM at the same time, as long as the two treatments are not touching each other.
How do SuperDFM-HoneyBee Microbials work?Microbes are a part of the hive and honey bee digestive system. Microbes are active in digestion, including digestion of supplemental (artificial) feed, manipulating other microbes, breaking down toxins and pesticides. Probiotic bacteria create a hospitable environment for other beneficial microbes.
Do bees really need microbial supplements? What studies prove this?Loss of beneficial bacteria was first noted in CCD hives in "A Metagenomic Survey of Microbes in Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder" by Diana Cox-Foster et al.
Why should we give probiotics to bees? Are microbes natural?SuperDFM®-HoneyBee™ ingredients are naturally occurring microbes, produced using fermentation of natural ingredients. In nature, honeybees naturally acquire billions of microbes in their gut and ingest naturally occurring microbes in resources they collect (water, nectar, and pollen). Microbes ferment and preserve bee bread and help digest proteins and carbohydrates in the honeybee gut. Additional microbes acquired through probiotic supplementation support healthy balance in the gut and provide nutritional benefits.
Bee receive probiotics from pollen, right? Why do I need SuperDFM-HoneyBee if they receive the same probiotics from pollen?"Yes, correct, pollen and nectar naturally contain many probiotic bacteria. Bees need probiotic supplementation when the pollen and nectar producing plants are exposed to non-organic pesticides or antibiotic, when fresh pollen and nectar are scarce (dearth period), and bees receive supplemental feeding of pollen substitute, pollen patty, and sugar syrup. Prepared, processed feed for bees lacks beneficial microbes.
Are bee probiotics much like human probiotics?Yes, they help bees in the same way they help humans, a healthier gut will lead to overall improvement in nutrition, digestion, and life.
Is SuperDFM-HoneyBee safe?Yes, there are no adverse reactions of bees to the probiotics.
How fast will I notice the benefits from feeding my bees SuperDFM-Honeybee?The earlier you use it when you see a problem, the better a strong hive will be able to suppress the pathogen.
Can I freeze SuperDFM® over the winter to use next year?Yes, freezing SuperDFM® will preserve it very well. Make sure to seal the bag firmly before freezing.
What is the shelf life of SuperDFM-HoneyBee and how do I store it properly?SuperDFM-HoneyBee should be stored in a cool, dry place; it could also be stored in a freezer. Shelf life is 5 years from the date of manufacturing.
Is SuperDFM-HoneyBee a preventative supplement?SuperDFM-HoneyBee is used to prevent dysbiosis.
Is SuperDFM-HoneyBee safe for humans to eat?SuperDFM-HoneyBee contains only food-grade ingredients and is manufactured in and FDA certified U.S. facility, but SuperDFM-HoneyBee is not labeled for and not intended for human consumption.
Is SuperDFM-HoneyBee safe for honey?Testing honey from colonies supplemented with SuperDFM-HoneyBee monthly did identify that the honey is completely safe for consumption and free of any foreign, regulated substances, or contaminants.
Your ingredients list only bacterial “fermentation products”. What does that mean? Usually microbial fermentation products are alcohol, carbon dioxide, and organic acids."What an excellent question! You understand correctly "fermentation products" as products of cellular metabolism. That's not what is meant in this case, however! In the case of product labeling, the term "fermentation product" refers to the complete product of a fermentation batch (the process of growing live bacteria in a fermentation tank in industrial fermentation). The origin of this particular term lies within the Official Publication of the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), under Section 36 Fermentation Products, which defines animal feed ingredients derived from spent fermentation processes, and under Section 96 Yeast, defines yeast products. For regulatory purposes, Direct-Fed Microbial (DFM) products are considered a subclass of fermentation or yeast products because they are similarly produced. Therefore, labeling law requires live bacteria in Direct-Fed Microbial products to be listed as "Genus species fermentation product." In the case of live microorganisms (when fermentation product is dried without killing the cells), the statement "contains a source of live (viable) naturally occurring microorganisms" is required to clarify this. These DFM products are relatively new to beekeeping, but they have been used in other animal livestock for decades. So, the terminology may be a little archaic…However, I think everyone in the industry is so used to it that they are not noticing it. Anyway, the term "fermentation product" in the case of SuperDFM refers to live bacteria. We can't call it anything else. This is the correct terminology - the Wisconsin Department of Trade and Consumer Protection reviews our labels on behalf of the FDA monthly to ensure strict compliance with the labeling law. They specifically require this exact wording.
Can I mix SuperDFM-HoneyBee or SuperDFM+P801 with syrups or liquids?No. Moisture activates DFMs. Once activated, they require an anaerobic environment (without oxygen) with the proper light, temperature, and food sources to prevent them from perishing. Instead you can use SuperDFM-Extend the newest advancement in probiotic coverage. Made of 3 hardy Bacillus bacteria, tough enough to be added to liquid bee feed!
Can I mix SuperDFM®-HoneyBee™ in a pollen patty?No, we do not recommend mixing SuperDFM® in any prepared food for honey bees, as moisture will lower the efficacy of lactic acid bacteria in the product. We have another product called SuperDFM®-Extend. This product can be delivered to your bees in syrup or a pollen patty.
Is SuperDFM® sensitive to extreme heat?Yes. If you happen to leave your bag of DFMs in your vehicle on a hot day, they would likely die in temperatures above 130°F. They will not all die at once. A higher percentage of them will be likely to die as they are exposed longer and at higher temperatures.
Will antibiotics kill the microbes in SuperDFM®?Yes, antibiotics will kill the beneficial microbes in SuperDFM® Important Note: Do not administer SuperDFM® at the same time as antibiotics or other antimicrobial products. These products are designed to kill microbes, including the beneficial bacteria in SuperDFM®. After antibiotic treatment, SuperDFM® can help replenish beneficial bacteria and restore a healthy gut microbiome in bees.
Is SuperDFM® used for nosema/bee dysentery?Yes, SuperDFM®-Honeybee™ is recommended for mitigating nosema. Many of our customers successfully control Nosema spores below an economic threshold of 1 million spores per bee and prevent nosemosis outbreaks, with an application of SuperDFM®-Honeybee™ every 30 days.
Does SuperDFM-HoneyBee help with EFB?Laboratory studies show probiotic bacteria inhibiting growth of European Foul brood (EFB) causing pathogen.
Does SuperDFM-HoneyBee help with Chalkbrood?Laboratory studies show probiotic bacteria inhibiting growth of Chalkbrood-causing pathogen. Field studies show that hives supplemented with SuperDFM-HoneyBee have 70% lower incidence of Chalkbrood compared to control hives.
Does SuperDFM-HoneyBee help with AFB?Laboratory studies show probiotic bacteria inhibiting growth of American Foul Brood (AFB) causing pathogen.
What’s the best practices to keep small hive beetle under control?Avoid using screened bottom boards. When bees are trying to chase them out, beetles will hide on the underside of the screen then re-enter the hive when the bee has moved on. Clean hive walls of excess wax and bridge comb as beetles use these places to hide. Push frames away from the walls to clear the wax. Pollen patties also provide shelter and food for small hive beetles. Cut pollen patties into half-dollar size pieces to ensure they are consumed quickly. Place a Swiffer towel on the top bars and in the back corners of the hive. The beetles’ legs will get caught in the fibers as bees are chasing them. Check, remove, and replace these towels often. Use beetle jails, modified special hive guard entrances. Keep your hives queenright! Queenless hives have a scent that attracts beetles. Keep your hives strong. Combine weak hives. A weak hive will have less ability to guard against small hive beetles.
Can I stop using antibiotics if I use SuperDFM-HoneyBee (a probiotic)?Using antibiotics for honey bees should always have been the last resort. Since the use of medically relevant antibiotics for honey bees is now regulated and requires veterinarian prescription, prophylactic use of antibiotics has already diminished and the use of antibiotics to treat a diagnosed disease remains. However, honey bee colonies supplemented with SuperDFM-HoneyBee are healthier and have fewer veterinary visits and need for prescriptions.
Does SuperDFM-HoneyBee help if bees encounter pesticides? Are there any studies on this?There are several studies on the beneficial impacts of probiotic bacteria during exposure to pesticide, summarized in a review "Characterization of Apis mellifera Gastrointestinal Microbiota and Lactic Acid Bacteria for Honeybee Protection—A Review" by Nowak et al.
What happens if bees encounter fungicides?Toxicity of fungicides to hive varies greatly, but similar to pesticides, many bacteria are involved in neutralizing their effect on the hive microbiome.
Is SuperDFM-HoneyBee considered a treatment?SuperDFM-HoneyBee is a probiotic supplement that is intended to be used regularly to achieve greatest benefit.
Is SuperDFM-HoneyBee a medicine?SuperDFM-HoneyBee is not a drug. It is a supplement of live probiotic microorganisms to support bees' digestive system.
Is SuperDFM-HoneyBee a cure?SuperDFM-HoneyBee is not a drug and is not intended to cure a disease.
Does SuperDFM-HoneyBee help with nosema?Field studies show that hives supplemented with SuperDFM-HoneyBee recover faster and better from natural and induced Nosema infection.
Can the bees cool the hive when it's hot?We tested over two years and found less bearding on our hives with ProtectaBEE® than hives without the ProtectaBEE®. Honey production and curing rates were improved compared to those hives without the ProtectaBEE®. Inside is an extra-large landing board, and there is still air moving in and out. Additionally, you can always remove the inserts, and we recommend doing that when you do not have any issues with robbers to maximize bee traffic! We have also just added a new optional vented cone insert - which we have nicknamed the Texas cones - as Texas beekeepers asked for these repeatedly!
Is plastic safe for bees?Yes! Beehives for years have had plastic frames, plastic queen excluders, plastic feeders, and there are even full plastic hives! The bees don't mind!
Why plastic?Most hives are fully exposed to all the weather elements. Over time wood warps and would not provide the security needed to keep out predators. We have sourced a bee-friendly plastic that will last several years outside without becoming brittle. Our inserts are also reinforced to prevent warping.
Can the queen bee leave the colony with the ProtectaBEE® cones installed?The cones are big enough to let drones (boy bees) enter and exit the hive, so the queen can also enter and exit. This is important, especially if a virgin queen needs to mate. The ProtectaBEE® will not prevent swarming without the SwarmStopper Insert (sold separately).
Will the ProtectaBEE® work with a Flow® hive?Yes, but only if you remove the landing board that comes with the Flow® hive.
Is there even more that I can do with the ProtectaBEE®?Since the ProtectaBEE® is a plug & play system, we can create all sorts of inserts and additions. We are currently developing a mite brush, fungal treatments for varroa mites, an automatic syrup feeder, as well as in-hive monitoring drawers. We can't wait to share it all with you!
Can BeeBites be fed with other Honey Bee DFMs?Yes, BeeBites are compatible with other Honey Bee DFMs. Here's why: BeeBites are formulated with carefully selected Bacillus bacteria strains that are resilient and can withstand mixing and moderate heat. These bacteria provide essential digestive enzymes and protect against harmful bacteria. BeeBites also include superfoods like spirulina and chlorella, which offer protein, antioxidants, and nutrients for bee immune health. Important Note: While BeeBites are compatible, other DFMs, like SuperDFM+P801 or SuperFuel, are specifically formulated for unique bee needs (e.g., pesticide recovery, transportation feed). Choose the DFM that best addresses your current bee colony needs.
Do BeeBites take the place of SuperDFM?No. Each product has its own benefits and contains different ingredients. Super DFM must be fed dry for the lactic bacteria to be effective. BeeBites contain spirulina and chlorella along with invert sugar.
Why are BeeBites difficult to open?The packaging is designed to keep the ingredients as fresh as possible.
Do BeeBites attract small hive beetles?Not in a significant quantity. BeeBites are consumed so quickly that there is not enough time to attract SHB.
How many hives does a 10 lb. BRICK feed?We recommend feeding 1-2 bars once to twice a month; you could think of that as 1/8 - 1/4 lb., depending on your hive size. A ten-pound BRICK can support 80-90 smaller hives (using 1 bar or 1/8 lb.) or 40-45 larger hives (using 2 bars or 1/4 lb.).
What is the Difference between BeBites and SuperDFM?Our SuperDFM original formula has 6 bacteria, most of which could not be used in a feed supplement like BeeBites due to their delicate anaerobic nature. BeeBites includes 2 of our most vital Bacillus bacteria that can survive being added to liquid, moderate heat and still deliver a powerhouse of enzymes that digest macronutrients and metabolites that belittle pathogens. Spirulina and chlorella are well-balanced protein sources packed with antioxidants and nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to support immune health.
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