Global Reviews
In 2021, the most extensive global study on honeybee probiotics revealed groundbreaking findings. Among the few probiotics deemed "reliable" worldwide, only one American company met their rigorous efficacy standards—Strong Microbials. At the time, our first two innovative formulas, SuperDFM-Honeybee and SuperDFM+P801, stood as testaments to our commitment to honeybee health.
The researchers concluded: “Beekeepers should readily adopt (probiotic) strategies into their beekeeping habits to help prevent colony collapse.”
The Research

Eddy Geyer
“I used the P801 in my pumpkin pollinator area.
1/2 got P801 and 1/2 did not.
The 1/2 that got P801 did great. The other 1/2 was weak and about dead... The following year we put P801 onto all the hives for pumpkin pollination. All hives looked great.
Now, I’m buying more P801 during the sale for pumpkins next year... It’s really making a difference!”
Moore, Tx - November 20, 2023

Jeff Stalvey
“I operate 850 colonies
for mainly pollination.
I truly believe in P801.
I would not operate without it.”
Hive Life Conference 2023

TS Lawrence, President of PinesmokeBee.Co
“We started using (SuperDFM) honey bee as a test on colonies that we were struggling with varroa vectored diseases and immediately saw the brood pattern change with nice cream-colored full sheets. We have since begun using the entire honeybee line of products on rotation!!”
Hive Life Conference 2023